Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some People Are UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!

I cannot help myself! I have to write about the reaction of some insane people to an incident that occurred a couple of days ago with President Obama.
Many will have seen the articles, or perhaps Facebook video clips, of the President killing a fly during the taping of a CNBC interview that was aired last Wednesday. It was quite funny and he does have good hand/eye coordination as reported.
Today, a report has come in that an obscure animal rights group in the USA has criticised his action as "an execution".
They call themselves 'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals', the PETA, and they are asking Obama to show a little compassion to even the "the least sympathetic animals"!
Can you believe this! It was a fly for crying out loud! It's a pest! It spreads disease! It tramps around on your dog's droppings and then on your food for heavens sake! I am aware there are 'nutters' (a good English word) around, but these idiots should be locked away as a danger to public health.
I suppose that if any of them ever got lice in their hair they would have someone gently remove them so they can be released outside!!! I can imagine they never wash because then they would be killing millions of mites that live on our skin constantly. Ugh!
When asked for their official response, their blog site gave the following answer; "In a nutshell, our position is this: He isn't the Buddha, he is a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act." Eh! Pardon? I have heard some 'Codswollop' (another good old English word) in my many years, but this really does take first prize!
What gets my goat about all these animal rights half-wits is that most have no objection to animals being slaughtered so they can eat them, but The President cannot kill a fly.
Apparently, they have even gone so far as to send Obama some sort of fly trap that captures flies so they may be released outside. Flies being what they are, they just do a 180* and fly straight back in again, but I guess they haven't worked out a contingency plan for that scenario yet. Keep at it people!

Do they make people sized fly swats?


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