Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gaza - The Dirty War

Once again the news headlines are full of recrimination against Israel for the deaths of children and women in Gaza. Oh how the TV reporters love to show us the suffering of these people, and stir up hatred of the Israeli's who committed such a barbarous act! BUT! Just stop and think with your mind, and not your heart, about what is going on here.
As a soldier of whatever army, what do you do when someone shoots at you again and again, ducking into the nearest family home, crowded market, or Mosque for cover between attacks? What do you do when an organization like Hamas uses children? What do you do when your enemy fires rockets at your family and friends from the middle of a dense housing area? Something to think about perhaps?. None of this ever gets reported. Why?
Gaza is the worst form of dirty war because the Hamas fighters are cowards who use the dead women and children for propaganda purposes. If anyone is to be vilified in the Media it should be them. It is part of their strategy to get as many civilians, and in particular women and children, killed by the Israeli's to feed the frenzy of world media that is so gullible as to accept on face value the 'Facts'. I like to think the more intelligent among us can see through this smoke-screen, and appreciate what is really happening here.
The Americans had to deal with a similar situation during the Vietnam War, but it has taken the Muslim insurgents to refine this strategy to perfection. Because we are confronted daily with TV pictures of dead and wounded women and children, the general public is up in arms against Israel. Demonstrations left right and centre by people who have never really studied the facts, but are swayed by the news reports.
Think People, Think! You are playing into the hands of the Hamas propaganda machine! If you have thought it through, you should be condemning Hamas for its cowardly strategy, not the Israeli's for doing the only thing possible in such a situation.
Now the Hamas Leadership has agreed to a truce, probably because, as in the past, they are running short of rockets and ammunition, and a truce is a golden opportunity to replenish. Yet another tragedy of this war. Everyone wants to open the borders so humanitarian aid can be shipped in, but Hamas always use these situations to re-arm ready for their next offensive. The Israeli Government knows this, and that is why the borders stay sealed. Logical! Also, if the borders remain open for the passage of people, the perpetrators of this atrocity slip into Egypt when the noose tightens, leaving the ordinary Palastinians to face the guns, missiles and bombs .
If Hamas cared anything for what they proclaim to be their goal, 'The People', they would come to the table and talk without a weapon in their hand. Instead this 'No Surrender', 'Tit-for-Tat' war drags on and on for decades. Successive Israeli Governments have offered peace for the region, many U.S. Presidents, and Leaders of other countries, have done their best to solve this crisis, all for nought, because people like Hamas cannot be trusted. Perhaps they are trying to incite other Muslim countries to fight on their side once again. It is worthy of note that all other Muslim countries, including the West Bank Palestinians, have stayed very quiet about this conflict. Not one is prepared to go to war against Israel for their Palestinian Brothers in Gaza. Why do you think that is? Sure, we get a little 'Sabre-rattling' from countries like Iran now and again, but we all know that for what it is. Could it be they can all see this conflict for what it is?
From reading this blog you may think I am anti-Muslim or pro-Israeli. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like everyone else, I deplore the unnecessary loss of human life, and the terrible conditions of of the Gaza People, but it should be for the people to decide, not the renegades of Hamas.
I do not excuse the mistakes that have been made by Israeli soldiers, these things happen in war. You only have to look at the Americans, whose favourite past-time is shooting at each other. A soldier, in the heat of battle, does make mistakes, and there are those without conscience who kill indiscriminately, or order others to do so. Remember Mei-Lai in Vietnam?. Where a true atrocity has been committed, those concerned should be dealt with in the severest manner.
I have looked at the cold facts and formed an opinion from them, not from sensationalist reporting on the TV News or newspaper reports. Reporters have for years been totally incapable of unbiased reporting of the facts, preferring to go with the most sensational pictures possible in order to gain the biggest slice of a TV audience, or the most readers. Editors love them if it gets more readers for their Rag, or TV News Channel.
I am aware that not everyone will agree with my assesment of this conflict, and I would be interested to hear your views on the subject.
Thank you for your time.

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