Monday, January 26, 2009

Timeshare - Spain's Shame

I admit to getting caught by the Timeshare bug about twelve years ago, and at the time it seemed like a good idea. Oh silly me, I must have left my brains at home while on holiday. Since then, while trying to sell the darned thing, we have been ripped off by unscrupulous dealers (mostly foreign), who I can only call mean, underhanded crooks and con-men (and that's being polite).
The scandal of Timeshare has been going on in Spain since the late sixties/early seventies, and in that time millions of people have been ripped off to the tune of billions of Euros. Now, the question is: What has the Spanish Government done about this disgusting trade? The answer is simple NOTHING!!!
It is very sad to say that the Spanish Government under various leaders, have failed in all aspects to make even a half-hearted effort to stamp out this vile trade.
We were approached one time by a 'Company' that offered to find us a buyer for our timeshare. Luckily, my wife was in Spain at the time and decided to look up the offices of the said company. To her surprise, (well maybe not) the address given for the office was a building site!!!
I can understand if some people will ask the question: Why didn't you go to the Police? Well, as most people who buy these things are not Spanish residents, and we were not at the time, that is a little difficult, especially when you have no idea what the Police can do about it, or if they will do anything at all.
In all respects, it is my opinion that the Spanish Authorities have done little or nothing to combat this form of crime which must be a stain on the National Pride. It's as Spanish as Bull-fighting and does nothing to enhance Spain's reputation abroad.
In the same respect, we have today the Property Fraud that has taken over the housing market in Spain. Once again, the Government and Police seem powerless to stamp it out, or makes a half-hearted effort. To be fair however, we do occasionally hear of someone who has been arrested, but it is nowhere near enough, as people are suffering every day because of this Trade in Misery. It is often quoted in the newspapers that such and such a villa or development will be demolished because it was built (and sold) illegally. But what about the poor souls who have lost everything? They are left penniless on the pavement while the perpetrators sit back and count their ill-gotten gains in peace.

Shame on you Spain for allowing this!

Keep smiling!

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