Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obama - Messiah?

I watched in fascination yesterday as Barack Obama held an obviously unscripted question and answer period with some students in Strasbourg. At the end of it, the first thing that sprang to mind was 'Here is another JFK!'
He is clearly a man of vision who's main priority is to fix the world's problems as best he can. As President of the United States he is certainly in a position to do that. His fresh approach to the world's problems is something we have all needed for a long time.
For too long we have been stuck with the 'Rule of the Gun' instead of diplomacy, and the art of talking between nations with differences has been lost. It is widely recognised that George Bush was one of the worst presidents America has ever had, and thank goodness his time is over. Maybe it was the advisors he gathered around him, maybe it was the man himself, but either way, his approach to world problems and their solutions left a lot to be desired.
It is important for Obama to change the world's perception of the United States as a 'shoot first, ask questions later' society. This I think he can do, and has in fact begun.
His idea of talking to countries like Iran and North Korea show that he is a long way ahead of the game, more than Bush ever was. If the United Nations was more than a 'Paper Tiger', isolating these nations might have worked, but as it is, it hasn't.
Therefore, a new approach is needed to bring these countries in line with the rest of the world, and in my opinion, Obama seems to be the man to do it.
We must however be careful! Everyone is expecting so much from this one man that he is bound to fail some, and I sincerely hope he will not be pilloried for it.
I have read some of the reactions to his speech in front of the students of Strasbourg, and I must say that the sheer arrogance of some Americans who commented on his speech is horrifying.
No-one, to my knowledge, actually mentioned the word traitor, but he was roundly, and viciously attacked for admitting that America sometimes got it wrong, and that mistakes have been made by American Governments.
Even his innocent remark that America was founded by Europeans, which is true, came in for an attack of arrogance. He was castigated left and right for 'Sucking up to the Europeans', which to me is deplorable. By their words, these people have made it clear they have absolutely no idea of what this man is about, and what he is trying to achieve.
If this sort of unfounded criticism by people who think America is 'God's gift to the World' spreads among the American people then he has no chance, because if they do not understand what he is trying to achieve, no-one will!
Wake up People! Neither you, nor your country are God's gift to the planet. You live here by the grace of God just like the rest of us!
Barack Obama is not a Messiah, he is just a man with a vision as was John F. Kennedy. He aspires to great deeds, and the world and the American people in particular, must give him time to achieve his goals.
If he does, the world will be a better place in which to live.

May we all live in peace.


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