Sunday, April 12, 2009

United Nations - The Paper Tiger

For a whole week, the United Nations Security Council has been debating what to do about North Korea's latest missile test, carried out under the guise of a 'satellite' launch. The end result is that North Korea will be 'chastised' for 'breaking the rules'.
The five permanent members, plus Japan, have haggled for an entire week just to produce a memorandum that will be laughed at by North Korea. What do we pay these people for? It's too ridiculous for words!("Hold out your hand Kim Jung Il. I am going to rap you on the knuckles with this piece of paper. But don't worry, I'll do it softly so you won't feel a thing!".)
I have always maintained the U.N. is nothing more than a 'Paper Tiger' with no real power over the nations of the world, and once again I feel vindicated.
Can anyone give me an example of even one single conflict that the U.N. has successfully managed to end, permanently?
Once again, Russia and China spoiled efforts to get a meaningful response to the missile launch to the extent that the word 'Missile' doesn't even appear in the document.
According to Susan E. Rice, the American Ambassador to the U.N. "The Council wishes to send a clear message to the North Koreans", but from what I can see, the only message they sent is 'We, the United Nations are a joke!'
It is bad enough that North Korea, Pakistan and India have nuclear weapons, and we all know that Iran is busy developing one under the guise of generating electricity.
Who will be next, Osama Bin Laden? Oops! Silly me! He doesn't need to produce his own, Iran will give him as many as he needs!
You can just imagine the conversation; "Good morning Osama. Peace be upon you Brother. How many do you need today?" Osama replies, "let me see, one for New York, one for Washington, one for Los Angeles, one for London and one for Berlin. That should do it for today, so total five please"
The world is indeed becoming a dangerous place to live, and when 'Rogue States' like North Korea and Iran start to develop nuclear weapons we are all in grave danger.
The sad thing is, the U.N. does have the power to stop these things happening, if only all the world's nations could agree. Unfortunately, they're all human, and the council is made up of politicians. Each country has it's own agenda, so the chances of them ever agreeing totally on anything is zero.
I think it was Isaac Assimov the science-fiction writer, who once said; "The only thing that will ever unite mankind is an invasion from outer space". Now that is a statement I fully agree with!
May Heaven help us all! In my view, all nations should agree to totally isolate any country that does not operate under the rules of proper human behavior.
If every nation agreed that such a country be cut off from the rest of the world, even by its neighbours, things would change rapidly. Sounds tough, but as an example, you can't fight a war without a steady supply of guns and ammo!
So where does today's decision leave us? Personally, I would say; "Up the creek without a paddle" because the current U.N. action is not going to impress Pyong Yang sufficiently to ensure a change in policy, and there is still the Iran question.
The United Nations seems just as powerless to change Iran's ambitions as it does North Korea's. Once these two countries get away with it who will be next?
May your radiation levels always be within limits.

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