Monday, September 14, 2009

Another New Story

Once again I have taxed my writing talents (such as they are) severely, and brought forth a new short story.
This one, for a change, is a little more up to date and focuses on the struggle in Afghanistan. Daily, troops from the United States and Britain are in constant battle with the Taliban insurgency to save the people of Afghanistan, and preserve democracy. Other nations play it safe and insist on their forces being used in (a) a non-combatant role, or (b) operations in safe areas of Afghanistan only.
Some will not agree with this statement, being content to bury their collective heads in the sand. This is in my view, caused by ignorance, and a lack of understanding for the big picture.
If we pull all the troops out of Afghanistan today, what will be the end result? It will surely be that the forces of the Taliban will once more rule the country in tyranny and terror, all in the name of religion, and Bin Laden and his cronies will once more have a safe haven from which to strike at the rest of us!
This is of course all politics, but I hope it will not detract from the enjoyment of anyone who feels like reading a short story.
It is possible to access the story by going to 'My Profile' and clicking on 'MY SHORT STORIES 4.
I enjoy the writing, be it good or bad is for you to decide.

Happy Reading.

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