Thursday, October 29, 2009

The BNP - Racist or Saviours?

This article may get me into trouble with some readers, but I always speak my mind on any contentious issue. A few days ago there was furor and mass hysteria in the British Press about the appearance of Nick Clegg, leader of The British Nationlist Party, on the BBC's flagship programme Question Time.
The gutter press, which encompasses all British newspapers in my view, were screaming for blood to flow in the BBC Boardroom because they intended allowing a 'committed racist' and 'fascist' on to 'the tube'. The enshrined concepts of British fair play,  freedom of speech and tolerance  were conveniently forgotten as they found someone to lash out at with banner headlines.
The British Press is so pure, at least when they are not reporting on something, but give them a hint of a story that will trash someone's reputation, stir up racial unrest, cause widespread panic or riots in the streets, and they are beaming with happiness. Anyway, it is not my intention to write about the short-comings of the British press, that would take too long.
Nick Clegg dutifully made his appearance on the programme, and once again the papers are full of it. Unfortunately I did not get the chance to join the 8,000,000 viewers who watched it, but that is not necessary, you only have to read the newspapers to know what it was all about. 
Clegg did not come over very well it seems. He has been described as "an inarticulate blusterer of questionable intelligence". His message it seems was not put over too well, but the basic concept......?
His denial of the Holocaust, and admitted sympathies with the Klu Klux Klan must have done some damage to his cause, and detracted from his main message. While most will speak openly about their distaste for him and his Party, he only says out loud what a large section of the British population is thinking. Evidence of this is in the increasing number of votes cast for the BNP in recent elections.
When the Labour Government under Tony Blair decided to foster a muli-cultural Britain, they really let the tiger out of its cage, and now they cannot get it back in. The constant stream of immigrants has grown to such proportions, that in the opinion of some experts, the country may not be able to sustain its population in twenty years time, due to the steadily increasing numbers, and the soaring birthrate within the immigrant population. And they keep on coming by the thousands every day!
Each one receives financial assistance and a fully furnished place to stay which is costing the tax payer billions every year. If the flow of immigrants were to be halted immediately, and an end put to all subsistance payments, Gordon Brown could pay off the national debt and have a lot left over!
I must admit to agreeing with the stance that immigration, pandering to ethnic minorities, and all this human rights crap must end immediately. Our borders should be sealed, deportation and voluntary repatriation stepped up to the extent that we are getting rid of all undersireable elements as soon as possible.
Don't misunderstand me!! I am all for legal immigrants who are willing to come to our country and work for a living, and most important of all, integrate with us rather than try to make us integrate with them. If they are willing to accept the British way of life and live among us as British citizens, speaking english, I am all for it. I am not a supporter of the BNP, and nor will I ever be, but the writing is on the wall for some form of government intent on doing something about the immigration problem in Britain. In truth, I think the answer lies somewhere in between the basic idea of the BNP, and a sane government.

I am truly sick and tired of hearing yet another mosque is to be built, and another school is going over to teaching its pupils the national curiculum in Hindi or Arabic.
It is also sickening to see on the High Streets of Britain shops showing signs in Hindi, Polish, Arabic, and a myriad of other languages. They must be made to 'sign' in English, with the option of their own language underneath. The very fabric of English culture is being threatened from within, and nobody seems to care enough to do anything about it, except perhaps in a twisted way, the BNP.
Many immigrants who come to Britain are soon involved in crime, and in some cases outright terrorism, then spend years (at a cost of millions), fighting extradition. How often have we heard the cry 'If you send me back I'll be tortured" even from known terrorists!  My answer is: So What! You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind!
All the while they and their families are being given handouts by the government. So what does the government finally do? Give them a Briitish passport and the right to continue sponging off the state!!! It's too stupid for words.
All appeals against deportation should last a maximum of three months, and any immigrant convicted of a serious crime should be deported immediately with no right of appeal at all.
It is also time for the government to lay down laws forbidding immigrants access to such things as the National Health and Social Service benefits until they have been in the country for at least a year, held a legitimate job for that period, be fluent in English and have a good knowledge of English history. This would result in the National Health Service not having a fatal heart attack, and save billions from the countries coffers. The same law should prohibit the holding of public office for any immigrant for a period of at least five years. The only reason immigrants from all over the world want to come to Britain is because they see us as a soft touch. We feed them, we clothe them, we pay them, and then allow their families to come over too and the whole process starts again!
Another bone of contention is the continuing erosion of the British religious holidays like Christmas and Easter. Christmas is actually becoming less popular for fear of upsetting the Muslims!!! I care not what religious holidays Muslims, Hindu's and the like have. You live in Britain, you respect our traditions. We do not expect you to visit our churches, but you must respect our beliefs and holidays, even if they mean nothing to you.
I have ranted on long enough, but one thing remains to be said. Although we all carry these thoughts around in our heads, it is only people like the BNP who are willing to put it into words spoken out loud. Unfortunately their ideology is corrupted with disageeable retoric, which has tarnished the real message. I do not agree with many of the things this party stands for, but their basic concept is one that will eventually bring trouble to the streets of Britan.
Enoch Powell, a man of vision way back in the 1960's predicted; "There will be blood in the streets" when the wave of resentment against immigrants reachs a certain level, and judging from the reactions of many, and what we read in the news, that day is not too far in the future. 
The immigrant pampering Human Rights/Politically Correct Groups are unwittingly stoking the fire with increasing diligence, but at some point in the future, the British - I hope - will stand up and say; "Enough is enough!"
That day may well come when people are so sickened by what is happening they will vote enmass for the BNP at some future election. I hope it never gets that bad!

I used to be proud to be English, but now........?


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