Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IT'S - A - GAME - FOR - CRYING - OUT - LOUD!!!!!!

Did you know that if you play a war scenario video game today you can be prosecuted under the Geneva Convention? Sounds ridiculous doesn't it! Just as ridiculous as two conciencious Swiss Human Rights groups sitting at a computer and playing 20 modern video games to see if the action in them broke the Geneva Convention.
The 'testers' looked at three specific areas of combat, namely, disproportionate destruction of property, how surrendering combatants were treated, and what happened to civilians caught in the war zone. 
They issued a press release complaining that games such as Army of Two, Call of Duty 5, Far Cry and Conflict Desert Storm among others permit virtual war crimes. The report condemned games for "allowing the wanton destruction of homes and buildings, killing civilians, and torturing captives". A-tishooo!
Each of the twenty games were tested to see "whether certain scenes and acts committed by players would constitute violations of international law if they were real, rather than virtual". IT'S - A - GAME - FOR - CRYING - OUT - LOUD!!!!!!
Each of the groups players had a lawyer present beside them to decide when human rights abuses were committed. The report concluded that "The practically complete absence of rules or sanctions is... astonishing,"
The report went further saying; "the line between the virtual and real experience becomes blurred and the game becomes a simulation of real-life situations on the battlefield." Becomes blurred?????? A-tishooo!
They complained that 'protected objects' like churches and mosques were attacked, and prisoners were subjected to degradation! A-tishooo!
I know that gamers do not get reality mixed with virtuality. How could anyone sitting at a computer playing a game even begin to think they are actually ON a real battlefield????? It's just too bizaar for words. 
The groups did at least admit that it was not clear from the games the scale of the conflict being depicted. This did make it difficult to decide which humanitarian laws should be enforced. 
They went on to state that even though players would not become real world combatants, the games could influence peoples perception of what real war was like, and how soldiers conduct themselves in a real conflict. A-tishooo!
A further complaint was that most games did not inform the player that those who "violate international humanitarian law end up as war criminals, not as winners". A-tishooo! Sorry, I'm allergic to bulls**t!
It is a fact that many serving soldiers do play these games during their off-duty periods, but I have yet to hear of one committing offences against the Geneva Convention because of it.
A writer for a well known blog made the following comment on the findings; "there was plenty of evidence that gaming violence is 'fully processed' as fantasy by gamers. Studies of soldiers on the front line in Iraq showed that being a gamer did not desensitise them to what they witnessed".
He added: "Perhaps what this research demonstrates is that the researchers misunderstand what games are, and how they are treated, intellectually, by the people who play them." Well said Sir! At least someone has all thier i's dotted! These people should realise that gamers are not stupid.
I find it incredible that a once well respected organization should belittle itself with this sort of stupidity. In the past these people did valuable work across the world, but for the last ten years it seems to be in the hands of stupid fanatics who think they have the right to meddle where they please.
They trumpet their support for terrorism by shouting their heads off when a convicted terrorist is to be deported back to his own country and cries "If you send me back I will be tortured"! Before you know it they are on the doorstep of the government with placards, "You are denying this man his human rights!". 
Where will they strike next, the film industry, books???
Will all the films we watch be vetted by Amnesty International for human rights transgressions? Will all book writers have to comply with the Geneva Convention?
This whole scenario has to be one from the looney bin, and I for one am going to consign it to the trash.

Fight on game warrior. Don't let the bas***** grind you down!


Your Anti-Wrinkle Cream May Not Be All It Seems!

A most bizaar crime was uncovered in Peru last week. A group of criminals were killing people to extract their body fat for onward sale to the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. It would appear from the report that human body fat is used in the production of cosmetics and anti-wrinkle cream. Ugh! I think I’d rather have my wrinkles. 
Local people were lured into the net with the promise of jobs and then summarily killed. In a makeshift lab, body tissue was removed and the body fat extracted. These items were transported by bus to Lima, the capitol, and then sent on to Italy where other gangs sold the stuff to the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries in Europe. It would seem to be a profitable enterprise, for a litre of body fat sold for $15,000.
Police said the gang, referred to as the Pishtacos after a Peruvian legend, could be responsible for the deaths of up to sixty people in the region. According to one of those arrested, the ringleader Hilario Cardena had been committing these crimes for decades.
As crimes go, this must rank as one of the most bizarre, and is an indication of how warped the human being can be in the search for riches. Given the fact that it is proven cars and boats can run on human fat, we should hope no-one else gets the same idea. 
If you are a person of, shall we say ”large” proportions, it would perhaps be advisable to cross Peru off your visiting list.

Rejoice in your wrinkles, for the alternative may make you an accessory.


'Road Trains' - Will They Work?

Research is being done to develope a wireless controlled system for forming so-called 'Road Trains' on European roads. The general idea is for vehicles to drive within a metre or two of each other along motorways in the future, thus forming a 'train'. When joining a train, you would hand over complete control of your car to the lead vehicle, who would then make decisions for the entire 'train'. It is thought this could improve traffic flow on major roads.
Your car would be controlled by radio signals from the lead vehicle, with a form of radar to maintain seperation. While all this is going on you, the driver, could be reading the newspaper or playing games on your laptop.
It may sound like a good idea, but could it possibly work? People being what they are, it may work to some degree, but you see on the road today everyone likes to travel at a different speed to everyone else. For many people there is also the question of trust in the system. Pilotless passenger aircraft are a reality, but who would travel in one? People like to be 'in control'.
I see road trains every day when I drive on the motorway in Spain because the Spanish like to drive in the middle lane of a three lane highway. Consequently everyone is squeezed into the outside lane trying to overtake. It is a common sight to see the outside lane nose-to-tail, a smattering of cars in the middle lane, and almost nothing on the inside lane except the occasional truck. The story is similar for a two lane motorway, everyone is in the outside lane trying to overtake the car in front.
So this begs the question, would road trains solve this problem? It may do if there are dedicated lanes for this traffic, but otherwise, no! It will also depend on the speed of the train. For some it will be too fast, and for others too slow.
The question of insurance claims also comes to mind. If a train, or part of it, were to be involved in an accident who would bear the blame, insurance-wise that is? Would the lead driver, who controls the train, be liable to pay for damage to all vehicles in 'his' train? Something the developers have not thought of yet.
Whatever happens, it is certain that a major shift in people's thinking and driving habits will be necessary for such a system to work. It's the old story of; "It sounds good on paper" but in practicality .........?
I'll leave you to decide.


Reminiscing - Ramblings of an Old Mind.

I was born in 1942, a time when bombs were falling, and men, women and children were dying all across the world. Britain and her Commonwealth Countries had stood against the might of Adolf Hitler and his strutting Nazi ‘Ubermenschen’ who stormed across Europe. The Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbour eleven months before, bringing the United States into the war.
When I came into the world, the first Allied Invasion of occupied territory, Operation Torch, took place in North Africa where Rommel was close to defeat at the hands of The Eigth Army under General Montgomery. At the time no-one knew how important the allied invasion on the 6th of June 1944 would be, and that it would spell the ‘beginning of the end’ for Hitler and his cronies.
During the war years life in Britain was hard. Mothers got used to seeing their beloved sons head for the front-line as they became old enough for conscription. Their husbands had long since joined the fight. Many a young wife said a tearful goodbye to new husbands, never knowing if they would ever see them again.
The dreaded telegram would be receieved by many, informing them their husband or son had been killed in action, bringing with it grief and despair.
Everything was rationed; food, petrol, even clothes due to the shortages caused by the ceasless dirty war in the Atlantic between the British Merchant Fleet, The Royal Navy and the German U-Boats. The British people took it all with their usual stoicism, determined not to let ‘Herr Hitler’ have his way.
It was to be another 3 years before peace came to the world after the final defeat of Germany and Japan. At the time I knew nothing of this for I was but a baby.
In the aftermath of World War Two, Britain like many other nations started to rebuild. The houses and factories destroyed by german bombs were rebuilt, and families got used to the empty chair at the dining table. As always, life went on. Women became a more common sight in the factories and mills as they replaced the ‘missing’ men in the work force. During the war years they had become accustomed to doing what was then men’s work, because the men were all away fighting.
The post-war years also saw the beginning of the breakup of the British Empire starting with India gaining full independance in 1947. Not that I cared at the age of five.
In June 1950, when I was only seven years old, North Korea invaded the South after the failure of unification talks. Once more England sent troops to fight in a war, but this time under the auspices of the United Nations.
This one, unlike the last, was not felt in England as it was far away on the other side of the world. The main priority at home was rebuilding the economy.
People did not travel far to go on holiday in them days, it was long before the arrival of package holidays to Spain. Just like all the other folks of the period, our family summer holidays were spent on day trips, or if we were lucky a week, to the coast.
I have memories of a great holiday at Butlins Holiday Camp in Filey on Englands east coast. It was I believe the first of a new kind of holiday centre where people lived in chalets on the site and took part in organized activities during the day.
During my school days life was hard, and the national curriculum was tough and extremely varied. Among the standard subjects, I had classes on religion, history and geography which have since all been dropped by the Ministry of Education as being ‘unnecessary’. Religion taught me right from wrong and morality, history taught me about the fine history and traditions of my country, and geography gave me knowledge of the world.
It is sad that today religion and history are no longer taught because it might upset the immigrants, and geography is no longer considered relevant. It is not surprising that young children today have no morals, no patriotism, or any idea of the rich history of our past, and couldn’t even tell you the capitol of Turkey!
Life was so much different then compared with today. If you went shopping for breakfast cereal shall we say, you went to the local shop and had the choice of perhaps weetabix, cornflakes and porridge oats.
Today in every supermarket you see people standing in front of a row of shelves 150ft long with four levels, containing perhaps 60 or 70 different cereals, many with different brands, trying to make up their mind which to buy. Why do we need ten different types of cornflakes?
When the supermarkets hit town, the first casualties were the pleasant local shops where you were always guaranteed friendly personal service. Many stayed open until 10 o’clock in the evening as a service to their customers. You were always guaranteed a warm welcome and many would, if you were a good customer, allow you things ‘on tick’, i.e. until your wages came in at the end of the week. It was common for the children to receive a free sweet or lollipop when they went in.
In those days people always appeared smart in public. No baggy jeans with holes in them, no england football shirts and trainers. All men wore a suit and tie when they went out. Some of the more ridiculous sights I see occasionally today is men going out in a suit and tie with trainers on their feet. Somehow it just doesn’t look right.
Family life is also something that has ceased to exist in modern times. When I was a child the whole family would sit around the table for the evening meal.  I have one brother and three sisters so naturally we needed a large table.
I remember my grandmother on my step-fathers side telling me they never locked their doors, even when they went away on holiday. Burglary, so prevelant today, was practically unheard of in the days after the war. People lived with bigger financial problems than they do today, but to steal from someone else was taboo. I believe this was due to people having more respect for each other, and knowing right from wrong.
In part this could be attributed to everyone being much more religious than they are today. The churches were full on Sundays, and many preachers could be likened to fire breathing dragons as they pumped out ‘The Message’.
I remember going to church with the family on Sunday during my early youth. As I got older we went less often, and eventually only for marriages and christenings. Such was the decline of the church. But I do not believe it is necessary to go the church every Sunday to be a good christian. Now of course, many churches have been closed and congregations are small, made up for the most part by old folks who are daily getting nearer to their God.
When I was a kid, to own a car was to be someone. You could buy a brand new car for £250, but few could afford this extravagance. Once we could afford a car, weekends were always spent together going on a trip to somewhere or other. Another item that entered homes slowly was the television. To have the first television in the street meant playing host to everyone.
There were no computers and Playstations in those far off days. We children made our own fun playing games with the other kids in the street. The boys often played played cowboys and indians while the girls enjoyed themselves with a skipping rope.
Before the arrival of the television it was normal for most folks to listen to the BBC on the radio. Dance-band music, classical concerts and the like were popular. The BBC also had many good serials like “The Archers’ which was faithfully followed by all, and discussed later in the pub over a pint.
In those far off days, crime rates were miniscule compared to today’s rampant figures. Justice was also seen to be done, and criminals got sentences that fitted the crime. Anyone who had been in prison did not offend again for fear of ending up back ‘inside’. Today prisons are more like 5 star hotels.
I witnessed the Cuban Crisis, the assasination of President Kennedy, the killing of his brother, and the first venture by man into space. I remember well the excitement surrounding the launch of Soyuz 1 by the Russians, and the American consternation that they had got so far ahead in ‘The Space Race’. It didn’t take long for the USA to catch up and surpass the Russian ‘first’ by sending men to the moon.
 One of the great calamities of the last century must surely be the splitting of Europe after the Second World War by the Communist ‘Iron Curtain’. It cut off all of Eastern Europe from the West, and the people behind it were subjected to communist rule from Moscow. Secret police, spies, jails and gulags were the communist answer to western capitolism. Thankfully all that is behind us.
We live now in a utopia compared to life back then. Everyone has a TV and all the youth have computers, i-pods, mobiles and the like. There are often three or four cars to a family, and we all travel the world during our summer holidays. The question remains however; are people happier today than they were in my time? I think not. Life for us back then was simple and uncomplicated, and ‘stress’ was an unknown word.
There is a plentiful of everything to the extent we have become a ‘Throw Away’ society. The words ‘Quality’ and ‘Sale’ no longer have their original meaning. The majority of goods produced today are shoddy by yesterdays standards because back then things were made to last. That is sadly no longer true. Shops have permanent ‘sales’, where if the word ‘discount’ were to be believed they would go out of business. But I guess thats progress, for me however it doesn’t compare with the old times. I guess I must be getting old!

May your tomorrows be better than your yesterdays.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Squirrel and the Grasshopper - A Tale of Modern Times

Does the following joke ring any bells? It should if you are a Brit! 

The Squirrel and The Grasshopper


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs, dances, and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.


The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs, dances, and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed.

A social worker finds the shivering grasshopper, calls a press conference and demands to know why the squirrel should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate, like the grasshopper, are cold and starving.

ABC News shows up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper; with cuts to a video of the squirrel in his comfortable warm home with a
table laden with food.

The Australian press informs people that they should be ashamed that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer, while others have plenty.

The Labour Party, Greenpeace, Animal Rights and The Grasshopper Housing Commission of Australia demonstrate in front of the squirrel's house.

The ABC, interrupting a cultural festival special from St Kilda with breaking news, broadcasts a multi cultural choir singing 'We Shall Overcome'.

Bill Shorten rants in an interview with Laurie Oakes that

the squirrel got rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the squirrel to make him pay his 'fair share' and increases the charge for
squirrels to enter Melbourne city centre.

In response to pressure from the media, the Government drafts the Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti Discrimination Act, retroactive to 

the beginning of the summer. The squirrel's taxes are reassessed. He is taken to court and fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as builders, for the work he was doing on his home, and an additional fine for contempt
when he told the court the grasshopper did not want to work.

The grasshopper is provided with a Housing

Commission house, financial aid to furnish it, and an account with a local taxi firm to ensure he can be
socially mobile. The squirrel's food is seized and re-distributed to the more needy members of society - in this case the grasshopper.

Without enough money to buy more food, to pay the fine and his newly imposed retroactive taxes, the squirrel has to downsize and start building a new home.

The local authority takes over his old home and utilises 

it as a temporary home for asylum seeking cats who had hijacked a plane to get to Australia as they had to share their country of origin with mice.

On arrival they tried to blow up the airport because of Australians' apparent love of dogs.

The cats had been arrested for the international 

offence of hijacking and  attempted bombing, but were immediately released because the police fed them pilchards instead of salmon whilst in custody.

Initial moves to make them return to their own country were abandoned because it was feared they would face death by the mice.

The cats devise and start a scam to obtain money from people's credit cards.

A 60 Minutes special shows the grasshopper finishing up the last of the squirrel's food, though spring is still months away, while the Housing Commission house he is in, crumbles around him because he hasn't bothered
to maintain it. He is shown to be taking drugs.

Inadequate government funding is blamed for the 

grasshopper's drug 'Illness'.

The cats seek recompense in the Australian courts for their treatment since arriving in Australia.

The grasshopper gets arrested for stabbing an old dog

during a burglary to get money for his drugs habit. He is imprisoned but released immediately because he has been in custody for a few weeks. He is placed in the care of the probation service to monitor and supervise him.

Within a few weeks he has killed a guinea pig in a botched robbery.

A commission of enquiry, that will eventually cost $10 

million and state the obvious, is set up.
 Additional money is put into funding a drug

rehabilitation scheme for grasshoppers.

Legal aid for lawyers representing asylum seekers is increased.

The asylum seeking cats are praised by the government for enriching Australia's multicultural diversity, and dogs are criticised by the government for failing to befriend the cats.

The grasshopper dies of a drug overdose.

The usual sections of the press blame it on the obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity and his traumatic experience of prison.

They call for the resignation of a minister.

The cats are paid $1 million each because their rights 

were infringed when the government failed to inform them there were mice in Australia.

The squirrel, the dogs and the victims of the hijacking, the bombing, the burglaries and robberies have to pay an additional percentage on their credit cards to cover

losses, their taxes are increased to pay for law and order, and they are told that they will have to work beyond 65 because of a shortfall in government funds.


Like the old cowboy said: "Thur's truth in them thur wurds!!!!!"

It doesn't take a dimwit to see the comparison between this tale and the current way of things in Britain. 

The ways of the modern world are myriad - mostly insane!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Crucifix - A 'Human Rights' Tragedy

What is it today about people and 'Human Rights'? In too many cases, the arguement for human rights is used as an excuse by some, to get their our own way in the face of opposition, or just because they feel like it. 
We have pressure groups that will stand beside anyone who thinks they have been wronged, for any reason, and demonstrate on the streets or run into the nearest court. 
I read in the news yesterday of perhaps one of the more ridiculous cases brought before the European Court of Human Rights (CHR) in Strasbourg, with an even more ludicrous result. 
This court ruled that crucifixes may not be displayed in the classrooms of Italian schools, as a direct result of an action brought by Soili Lautsi, an Italian mother who wants to give her children a secular education.  It reasoned that the practice of "the compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by public authorities ....restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions". Apparantly, the crucifixes also "Restricted the right of children to believe or not to believe". What a load of cobblers! 
This judgement was deliberated on, and delivered, by seven respectable judges in one of the highest courts in Europe. Personally, I think they were idiots!
Italy, as most people know is deeply catholic, and it has been law in the country since 1920 (almost 90 years) for crucifixes to be hung in every school in the land. Britain and many other countries have always had crucifixes in the schools, law or no law! 
So here we have a situation where one person has turned tradition and the law of Italy on its head, just because she wants to be different with her children. Funnier still, She actually got awarded compensation of €5000 from the court. (Now we are probably getting to the main reason for the court action; Money!) Her case rested on the fact that her children had to attend a school with crucifixes hanging in every room. 
So What!!! I see buses every day but it doesn't mean I have to be a bus driver for crying out loud!!!
Needless to say, the whole of Italy is up in arms at the ruling, both the politicians, and the people. The Vatican was shocked at the idea of ruling out the crucifix in education, calling the it "Wrong and myopic", and I must agree. A spokesman at the Vatican, Reverend Frederico Lombardi, said the court had no right to interfere in profoundly Italian affairs, and once again, I agree. He went further, saying, "It seems as if the court wanted to ignore the role of Christianity in forming Europe's identity.... It is unpleasant that it (the crucifix) is considered a sign of division, exclusion or a restriction of freedom". Quite right Sir!
Basic human rights are essential, and should be protected at all costs, but when the Barmy Brigade become involved, it sours the milk to such an extent it should be thrown away.
I am sure if one were to peruse the files of the C.H.R there are many more such rulings that do nothing to enhance the cause of human rights. To me this ruling is shameful, and I for one think the Italian Government should tell the court to take their ruling, and shove it where the sun don't shine (and I cleaned that up!).
In my view, religion in schools is essential as part of growing up. It helps us determine good from bad, and what is acceptable and what is not. I had religious education at school and it never did me any harm, quite the opposite. 
Many years ago in Britain, religion along with physical education was dropped from the national curriculum as being unneccessary, and look at how the youth since then has turned out. Today we have for example,  obese drunken louts, and girls, urinating in the streets after an evening of heavy drinking. The saddest part is they see nothing wrong in their behaviour. To them its normal and perfectly acceptable. No-one of the older generation would even consider doing such a thing.
No! I believe Mrs. Lautsi has not done Italy, its people, or its future generations any good with her action. Eventually it could well cascade into the rest of Europe with, as an example, Muslims or some other religious group complaining about any form of religious symbology. Already, some schools no longer have the traditional Nativity Plays for fear of upsetting the Muslim children. 

What sad times we live in. Will the insanity never end? 


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Short Story.

Oh Dear, I've done it again! Yet another short story has rolled off the press and is here for your delight (I'm joking).
Although my subject matter is war, I have tried to spread the jam widely so to speak, and not be harnessed by a particular branch of the armed services, or even a particular war. So far my stories have covered the RAF in The Battle of Britain,  RAF Bomber Command and the air war over Germany, The British Army's survival at Dunkirk, a tale of today's Afghanistan, plus the Royal Navy Submarine Service.
Now the scene is set in France and relates to the fight by S.O.E. operatives and the French Resistance against the German occupiers.
If you hate it or loved it let me know. You know what they say, praise may be good for the ego, but critsicm is better because it helps you improve.
Happy reading.