Thursday, December 3, 2009

Minaret Paranoia - The Tip of the Iceberg?

So the Swiss don't like minarets! The decision to hold a referendum on Mosque minarets in Switzerland has been condemned all across Europe, but has anyone taken the trouble to see into the root cause of such a vote. Not many!
The decision has been flouted as a flagrant disregard for basic human rights, Muslim phobia, and racism. But what lies behind the vote. Why did so many Swiss vote against having more minarets in their country? After all, to date there are only four in the entire land.
In my opinion, the root cause is an awakening fear of the slow and inexorable Islamization of Europe. At this time there are an estimated 54,000,000 Muslim immigrants in Europe from a total population of approximately 328,000,000. A rough calculation puts that at between 16 and 17%. Ok! That's not so many, BUT! The big 'but' is the difference between the birthrates of native Europeans and Muslims. 
Over the past four decades the average birthrate for native Europeans has dropped well below the population sustaining rate of 2.11 children per family, to the irreversable 1.38 children per family. 
At the same time, the steady increase in Muslim immigrants from a mere 50,000 in 1900 to the present 54,000,000, plus the major contributor of a Muslim birthrate three times higher than that of native Europeans at 3.63 children per family, means in effect we will all be living in a Muslim state by the year 2050 as many experts have predicted. It is a sad fact that history has proven this theory correct time and time again. 
When the European culture is finally submerged in the quagmire of Islam, future generations of Europeans will wake up to find their governments run by Islamic Courts, Sharia Law, and no place for any religion but Islam. 
Christianity is a religion tolerant of others, preaching 'Brotherly Love' to all, but can the same be said for Islam? I don't think so. In Saudi Arabia, according to sources, Christian Churches are banned. Attacks on Christian Churches, and christians, in most Islamic countries have increased ten-fold in the last decade.
Iran's President Ahmadinejad met recently with 30 provincial governors and is reported to have declared, "I will stop Christianity in this country," vowing to shut down the country's growing 'house-church' movement. 
Does any of this leave doubt that Christianity will not be tolerated by Muslims? Not to me!
Worse is yet to come! As the Muslims gain control over our governments and legal system, you can bet the first thing they impose on us will be Sharia Law. A careless word against Allah will see you publicly beheaded or hanged. You think I am talking out of my backside? It happens regularly in Islamic countries for all sorts of minor offences, some of it filmed and put on You-Tube. If you are married, don't even think of committing adultary.
NO! I think some people are starting to wake up to the future reality of Europe. It has nothing to do with terrorism as many opponents claim, it is a deep-rooted fear that our way of life is coming to an end, to be replaced by something that to us is abhorrent. We fear for our children, thier well-being in a society gone mad with religious fanaticism. The continent will be swallowed by a religion that will not tolerate dissent in any form, and which by its own admission, is bent on world domination.
Muslims have made it clear in all countries they have settled in, that they do not wish to integrate, and will not accept the culture, the laws, and norms of their new 'home'.
Maybe the Swiss have seen the light, and this is the start of a fight-back for our culture, but to be honest, I doubt it. 
There are many who will not agree with my words, some because they are blind, others because they never take the trouble to look beyond the veil. Whichever side you are on, history will eventually prove one of us right.
As a final word. let me just state clearly, I am not a racist, I do not hate Muslims or Islam and if they were willing to live in peace with me, I am ready and willing to reciprocate. 

Beware Europe, the bell tolls for thee.


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