Monday, February 16, 2009

Life in the Universe

It has been speculated for time immemorial whether or not life exists on other planets in the universe, and I read with interest the item by Dr. Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institute of Science in America at the US Conference recently. He states that there could be a "hundred billion planets" like our earth out there in our galaxy. And why not I say!
Dr. Boss also stated that if there are planets like ours, the life forms inhabiting them would most likely be microbes or bacteriological.
For sure, that is the only form of life that could survive on some planets due their position in relation to their sun, but such a blanket statement is not worthy of a scientist today.
It has been a considerable source of amusement to me in the past, to hear people who are "in the know", spout their theories that Man is the only intelligent life form in the universe, and that no other intelligent life forms could possibly exist in the universe. Poppycock! Their sheer arrogance is unbelievable!
If there are trillions of suns like ours in the Universe, does it not beggar belief that there are not hundreds of billions of planets like ours not only in our galaxy, but also in the Universe? And is it not then certain, that somewhere 'Out There', a race of beings exists that are not only as intelligent as we 'Earthlings', but even more so? Lets face it, it wouldn't take much! How many other races are there that are hell-bent on destroying their own planet!
It has often been intimated that Earth was visited by alien creatures at some time in its murky past, and some people think they have "evidence" to support this. Lets face it, it is possible. But what would they have thought when they saw us?
I think their attitude would have been, in the immortal words of Captain Kirk: "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!".
May your sun always shine!

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