Monday, February 9, 2009

Who Started the Fires of Hell?

It is totally inconceivable that anyone in their right minds could unleash a thing like the Australian bushfires on anyone. But, according to the news reports it has happened!
Many of the fires that have swept across the south-eastern part of Australia, are now under criminal investigation because authorities are convinced that some have been started deliberately.
Prime Minister Rudd has already called it mass murder, and it is certain that the public backlash to this will be fierce once the fires have been put out, and rightly so.
Twisted people start forest fires for a variety of reasons, some because they are sick, i.e. pyromaniacs, and some for profit. The latter are by far the worst because they do it for financial gain.
This type of crime is not restricted to Australia. Last year dozens of fires swept across parts of Spain, Portugal, Greece, and California in the United Sates. Many, according to the authorities, were started deliberately, probably by unscrupulous people who's sole interest was to obtain land for building, and others who thought it was fun.
In Spain in particular, the law does not allow building on forested land that is protected, but if the forest disappears??? Good enough reason for unscrupulous building companies to start fires so there will no longer be a forest, and then a few backhanders to corrupt officials and the deed is done. It would not surprise me at all if the same practices were not carried out in other forest fire prone countries.
I am not sure how many people lost their lives in the European and Californian fires last year, but many lost their homes. What makes this Australian event so despicable is the huge loss of life, and entire towns that have gone up in flames.
One thing is certain, the public outrage at these acts will force the government to bring all their resources to bear on the criminals who have perpertrated this act of wilfull destruction and murder. I have no doubt that if they are caught, their sentences will be severe, as they should be. I am sure many of those who have lost loved ones, and/or all their possesions, would willingly douse these people in petrol and set them alight, but thank goodness we have the law to deal with them. Many would say however that prison is too good for them.
Smile at someone today. You may get one back.

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