Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Terrorism and Human Rights

Whoopeee! I read with interest today that Abu Qatada, Europe's most influential extremist, can finally be deported to Jordan. The UK House of Lords, the highest Appeal Court in the land, has agreed that he is a dangerous extremist and should no longer be given leave to reside in Britain. And about time too. Enough of this pussyfooting around, and to hell with these 'Goody-Goody' pressure groups.
What a complete and utter farce the Law is these days! This animal is a convicted terrorist not only in the UK and Jordan, but is wanted on terrorist charges in six other countries, so that should not leave any doubt as to his guilt. The Law however is obliged to listen to his sob story about him not getting a fair trial in Jordan, because testimony against him there is obtained by torture!
The Home Office has pointed out that Britain has a diplomatic agreement with Jordan, among others, that extradited felons will not be tortured.
I would have thought Qatada would welcome giving his all for the cause, then he would get his place in Paradise and his 100 Virgins. Right?
This man is a real piece of work. He was kicked out of Kuwait for opposing the liberation, went to Jordan, and from there entered the UK in 1993 on a forged passport. He claimed asylum on the grounds of religious persecution (Brazen!), which was granted in 1994 because the British are such a soft touch.
He immediately set about preaching his brand of hatred in Mosques up and down the country, finally being arrested on terrorism charges in 2005 shortly after the 7/7 bombings.
In 2008, an Appeal Judge overturned a 2007 court ruling that he may be deported to Jordan, and even released him on bail. Thankfully better heads ruled the day, and he was re-arrested due to Intelligence received that he was going to skip the country. I am almost lost for words (well, not quite)!

This new episode is a heaven sent opportunity for people like Amnesty International, those champions of terrorists and criminals everywhere, to step into the picture claiming his human rights are being violated by his proposed deportation!
To me it seems that no-one who works for that organization has ever lost a relative or loved one to terrorism or crime, if any of them had, maybe they would join the rest of us in the real world. To the people who lost relatives, loved ones, or friends in 9/11, Madrid and London 7/7, this group is an insult.
Before you castigate me, let me add that Amnesty does do some good work, but in my opinion, it should not use its considerable resources to help convicted terrorists and criminals.
My take on people like Qatada is that they give up all their rights when they incite the weak-minded to kill innocents in a random fashion just to further their own dark agenda. Amnesty on the other hand, thinks these parasites still have the same human rights as you or I, despite being involved in such terrible acts as 9/11.
Amnesty was said to be "gravely concerned" at the implications of this ruling.
Spokeswoman Nicola Duckworth said; "No-one should be deported to face a risk of torture, whatever they might be alleged or suspected to have done.....States simply cannot pick and choose which people have human rights.....if these individuals in question are reasonably suspected of having committed a criminal offence relating to terrorism, it is always open to the UK authorities to charge them and give them a fair trial." What planet does she live on? Hello, Earth calling!
There is no doubt whatsoever, that so long as this animal is kept in a British prison he will continue to spout his vitriolic hatred as he has done in the past. Jailing these people does nothing to stop their influence, it enhances it!
It seems to me these days, that all the emphasis is now on protecting the rights of criminals and terrorists rather than protecting the people from them. This I find very sad.
I am a firm believer in the right of everyone to a fair and open trial, but once convicted, people like Qatada should be taken from the court to a plane and deported immediately.
Occasionally, there may be doubt about the final destination of some of these people, if so, the full Appeal Process may be allowed. This time consuming process should not however be applied in the case of dangerous extremists who continue to preach hatred of our society even in prison.
Even though the battle is won against this man, the war is not. He now has the right to appeal to The European Court of Human Rights which can take another two or three years. Yada! Yada! Yada! Hopefully, the Home Office will get him out before his lawyers can submit their appeal.
Another course of action is open to the British Government; hand him over to Algeria, The United States, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium or Italy. They all want a crack at him too.
In conclusion, this man is a symbol of all that is wrong with the Muslim faith, and there are many like him, breathing violence and hatred of everything non-Muslim. In my opinion, it is only the moderates who can rid their religion of this cancer. Most Muslims are devout people who live in peace and harmony and do not deserve to have their religion tainted by such as he.
May he soon see his 100 virgins!

Quick Update:

It seems our man's lawyers were quick off the mark. Today an appeal has been sent to the European Court of Human Rights which will take, as I predicted, two years. So once again Qatada gets off the hook. Now all the other 'Do-Gooders' namely, Human Rights Watch and Justice are jumping on the bandwagon and throwing in their ten cents worth.

The man is a convicted terrorist, wanted in another seven countries for inciting, and financing death and destruction on a scale unprecedented in human history for crying out loud. Have these people no shame???

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