Thursday, February 12, 2009

Random Thoughts: Hamas - Banks - Wilders/Fitna

As I haven't written for a couple of days, I thought perhaps I should fill in the blank space.
The first thing that comes to mind, is the report a couple of days ago of Hamas members being caught at the Egyptian border, trying to smuggle $9m plus €2m into Gaza. Some time ago, the Hamas Prime Minister of Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh was caught at the same border with $35m, again trying to smuggle the money into Gaza. The Egyptian Authorities, after consultation, ordered the money be placed in an Egyptian bank account. Damn!
Now, one could be forgiven for assuming that this desperately needed money was intended to feed, cloth, and house the poor people of Gaza. If that is your assumption, you are more gullible than a person who thinks Madonna is a virgin (not THE Madonna, just in case I get hate mail from religious groups!).
According to most reports, the people of Gaza will not see a single cent of the money. It will be used by Hamas for their own nefarious purposes. Disgusting isn't it, and this is the group who have been on the receiving end of masses of sympathy from mislead idealists.
This week has seen the grilling of Britain's top Bank EX-Executives by a Parliamentary Committee, and what a show it was. All were profuse in their apologies for the upset caused by their mistakes (read stupidity), but according to them, it wasn't all their fault!!! They didn't quite claim they had nothing to do with it, but it was close. Reporters later criticised the executives for their very shallow apologies, and quite rightly demanded to know "if it wasn't their fault, then whose was it?" Guess the same thought is in the minds of the public too.
Today, Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician, was refused entry into the UK by the Home Office because it is thought he is a risk to security. Why? Because after the murder of Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam, he made a film called 'Fitna' which links the Koran to terrorism, and has pointed out that our way of life is under threat. In his opinion, Holland is slowly being taken over by the Muslims. He, and another outspoken Dutch Politician Hirsi Ali, have both been threatened with death by the Muslim world. In one of the biggest travesties of justice in our times, he is even to be prosecuted by the Dutch Courts for inciting hatred. Typical of the weak-willed and cowardly government of Balkenende (Dutch First Minister) in an effort to appease the Dutch Muslims.
I have seen the film twice, and believe me, it is frightening. Not just in the pictures and videos that are shown, but in the message it sends.
There is a parallel video that has been produced in answer to it by some Muslim Group, which claims the quotes from the Koran used in Fitna were either incorrectly translated, or were taken out of context. I am inclined to think this is possible in part, but it in no way detracts from the many live pictures of Muslim Clerics inciting their followers to kill non-Muslims, Muslim Groups beheading hostages, with Muslim Clerics and a Middle East Head of State stating that the whole world will eventually be Muslim! Of course ,on top of this you have the inevitable pictures from 9/11, the Madrid train bombings and the London 7/7 incident.
I think there is no doubt that our western way of life is under threat from these people, especially when you consider the enormous influx of Muslim immigrants into Europe in the last ten years.
It is chilling to think the Muslim population of Holland almost doubled in the fourteen years to 2007 to 944,000. Holland is a small country. In the same year, the number of Muslim immigrants in Europe stood at 54m.
When I worked for NATO, an American colleague said to me one day "You realise that in maybe 20 or 25 years time Britain will be a Muslim state!". "What!" I replied, "no way". Then he pointed out that Britain had a huge population of Muslim immigrants, and they were "breeding like rabbits" as he put it, while the English birthrate had dropped alarmingly. I thought about all the Muslims in Parliament, The House of Lords and Local Councils, the 'Muslim Only' schools that were popping up everywhere, and a shiver ran down my spine. Not such a dumb statement after all!
If you have not seen the movie, go to the link below. The second link is to the Muslim answer. Be warned, the Fitna movie is very graphic and not for the squeamish.
Keep the faith, and may God help us all.

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