Friday, January 22, 2010

UK Youth Sadists Sentenced - But is it Enough?

Britain has been rocked this last week hearing in graphic detail what happened when two young boys, aged 10 and 11, carried out one of the most sadistic crimes by a juvenile ever recorded. The two were accused of a prolonged 90 minute attack on two young boys of 9 and 11 last April when they battered, strangled, and violated them because they were bored and had 'nothing else to do'. The only reason they stopped, was because their 'arms were tired' from the continuous savagery.
For a full hour and a half, they cut their victims with barbed wire, throttled them with a cable, covered them with a burning plastic sheet, stubbed out a cigarette in an open wound after battering them with rocks and branches, and jumped, kicked and punched them in an orgy of violence. As if this was not enough, they forced the elder boy to strip from the waist down and carry out a sexual act on the 9 year old. The younger of the two brothers even used a mobile phone belonging to the 11 year old victim and video recorded part of the attack. You really couldn't make this up if it were a horror movie.
Today the pair were sentenced by Judge, Mr. Justice Keith, to be detained 'indefinitely', serving a minimum of five years. Stating that the two 'posed a very high risk of serious harm to others', he added that he hoped the family of the victims would 'appreciate that five years is the very least they would serve'. From the court artists sketch it is clear the brothers showed little interest in the court proceedings, and felt no remorse for what they had done.
I for one, would not consider that a tenth of what they should serve, but you can bet your last dollar that in five years or less they will be considered for parole by some 'limp wristed git' who feels sorry for them. By then they will be just 16 and 17 years old.
During the trial, a Child Protection Expert told the judge the younger brother in particular 'was a very high risk to the community', and also 'at risk of becoming a seriously disturbed psychopathic offender'.
Much was said during the trial of their home life, which included a violent alcoholic father who grew cannabis on his allotment, and an uncaring mother who put the drug into the boys food and drink so they would sleep and give her a quiet time. She also left them alone in the house when they were five or six to watch horror movies like 'Saw' and 'Chucky', considered too violent even by most grownups. The younger brother also had access to his fathers DVD collection of pornographic material, and smoked cannabis at home.
One of the most sickening parts to the whole affair is that the family was well known to Social Services and the Police as one of malcontents who were totally out of control. It is a pity this knowledge did not prevent the eventual savage attack that took place. As things now stand, nine months after the attack, both the victims are psychologically scarred, the younger one perhaps for life. For this the British Justice System hands down a sentence of a 'minimum of five years detention'.
It will not be long before the 'Goody Goody Brigade' try to convince us the two sadists are 'reformed characters', have 'learnt their lesson', and are fit to be released back into society at the tender age of 16 and 17.
If that happens, all I can say is watch out for the newspaper headlines when these two savages kill someone in another sadistic attack soon after release. Their arms will not grow tired too quickly then. Britain is breeding a generation of monsters the like of which has never been seen before.
To me it is long past time we brought back the death penalty.

Latest news hot off the press.
It would seem from the latest news stories that the two just sentenced will be allowed out of prison in four years time to do their GCSE exams, and to top that, when they are released they will be given new identities and live in anonymity at the tax payers expense.  Can you believe this? It really is too bizarre!
More heartening news comes from the Police who have said the parents of the two brothers could well be facing charges of child neglect after an investigation.
Social Services have yet again been heavily criticized for not doing enough to solve the problems surrounding the family. It would seem a minimum of 31 chances were missed by the government department to intervene. Where have we heard that before? Some things never change! 

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