Sunday, January 10, 2010

In the Name of Allah?

Recently I received via e-mail something that disturbed me greatly, and made me think of where we are in the world today. I found the story so shocking that I just had to share it with the world.
From the accompanying text, it would appear a little boy of eight years old was caught stealing bread in an Iranian market and sentenced under Sharia Law. Graphic photo's of his sentence being carried out are below. The article does not mention why he stole, but it could have been simply because he was hungry. You will find the images shocking.
This action must rank as one of the most barbaric in modern times, not so much for its outright brutality, but that it is committed against a child of eight in the name of religion. This is the face of Islam most Muslims would rather you not see. 

In every other Faith known to mankind such an act, even under the guise of 'Justice', would not be tolerated. But, this is Sharia Law at work. A child's arm is crushed under the wheels of a car so as to be useless to him for the rest of his life. Yet, most Muslims will tell you Islam is a religion of peace and love!

I realise this article may well offend some Muslims who feel slighted because an 'Infidel' dare to criticize their religion. I am truly sorry for that, and wish to offend no-one, but the facts speak for themselves, and for me, the evidence is irrefutable. As an average person living in the 21st Century, I find it abhorrent that such acts as this can still be committed.
To be fair, Christianity has also gone through its own time of terror and unspeakable acts in the name of God. In the Middle Ages terrible  torture, disfigurement and execution were practiced by the Church in the name of The One True God. The Inquisition has gone down in history as a very dark period in the evolution of man, one that we should all be ashamed of. I make no excuses for this period, but I like to think we have matured and would not allow such things in the 21st century. Mankind has long evolved from the  beast he was, although recent history like that of the Holocaust in WW2 has shown us we have not yet shed the 'beast' which hides within us completely.
It is however distressing to hear (and see) that such bestial practices in the name of religion are still going on today. Have we learned nothing over the last two thousand years? It would seem not.
Iran is not the only devout Muslim nation that practices Sharia law, it is even creeping into places like Britain. If the Muslims had their way, the whole world would be governed by this barbaric practice. This is not to say that harsh penalties should not be meted out to those who transgress the laws of decency, but they should not include women being buried up their their necks and stoned to death for adultery, or public whippings. hangings, and beheadings.
You have to ask yourself who is responsible for these events, and the answer will always be the Muslim Clerics and Mullahs who hold absolute power over the Muslim world, no matter who is 'in government'. They retain their dominant position by ruling with an iron fist and corrupting passages of the Koran to serve their own ends.
We, as infidels, hear all the time that the Koran preaches tolerance, love, and above all peace, just like the Christian Bible, but you do not see this when a Mullah is secretly recorded telling his followers to go out and murder Christians! These evil men, and yes I do call them evil, have corrupted an entire generation into thinking they can best serve Allah by blowing themselves up on aircraft, trains and buses, or in busy market places. Would it not be more suitable for the Mullahs to strap on a bomb and sacrifice themselves for their beliefs? But no, they do not dare, they corrupt innocent young minds to do the dirty work for them.
The thing that amazes me most, is that if someone took the trouble to make an assessment of the total number of dead from terrorist acts over the years, the number of Muslim dead would far surpass the number of non-Muslim dead, including 9/11.  So this leaves the burning question, why are these people so intent on killing their own kind? What is it all for?
The sad fact is, there are millions of peace-loving Muslims in the world who would not dream of doing harm to a fellow human being, but because of the acts of a few radicals, many people treat all Muslims with suspicion. This in turn creates more dissension between Christians and Muslims until it eventually spirals out of control. If we are not careful, we could be heading for a war between faiths.
But what to do about it? How can we stop the spiral of violence between Christians and Muslims? A hard question to answer, but in my opinion, the only way is for decent, devout Muslims to step up to the line and be counted. The entire Muslim world has to make a united stand against the terrorists, and the Islamic clergy responsible for this kind of atrocity and say, "We will not accept this anymore".
We are after all brethren in the eyes of God, and no matter what name we give Him, there is only one God.

May the Peace of God be upon you.


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