Monday, January 25, 2010

News, Views and Nonsense is Moving.

Hi Fans. This blog is moving to WORDPRESS.COM at for the simple reason the layout is far superior, and I am sick and tired of font size and layouts changing on their own between completion and publishing with Blogger.
I have no great knowledge of html but have been forced to learn at least a bit to try and correct the stupid mistakes that the Blogger engine makes when I publish.
My last post is a prime example of the Blogger engine at work. Great gaps in the text, photo's not where they should be, text wraparound incorrect etc etc.
Every time I go back to edit the first thing I have to do is change the font size back to 'large' because the stupid thing keeps going to 'extra large'. This is annoying and my patience is exhausted.
Therefore I am moving to Wordpress. I hope you will continue to read my blog at the new address.
Best Regards,

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