Friday, March 6, 2009

Amnesty International's Prima Donna!

Oh how shameless some people are! Filled with righteous indignation at the Gaza conflict, Mizz Donatella Rovera, Amnesty's Chief Researcher for the Israeli/Arab conflict zone, has once again spewed forth her one-sided view of happenings there.
According to today's headlines, she now accuses the Israeli's of war crimes because Palestinian houses were demolished by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) during the recent conflict.
Personally Madam, I think you know nothing of military tactics, you know nothing of the way Arab Terrorists fight, and consequently, for a "Researcher", you know very little about Gaza! Please, get off your high horse, do some proper research, and provide the world with an unbiased opinion or shut up!
Amnesty informed the BBC Website that 'Israeli forces engaged in "wanton destruction" of Palestinian homes during the recent conflict in Gaza'.
Mizz Rovera said:- "The destruction was, in our view, and according to our findings, wanton destruction - it could not be justified on military grounds." She is further quoted as saying :- "Wanton destruction on a large scale would qualify as a war crime."
Serious charges in anyone's book, but are they justified? I think not, being ex military, one who is totally impartial, does not have an axe to grind, and is not swayed by the sensationalistic headlines in the Press.
Yes! Houses were destroyed during the conflict, and yes! many of them were family homes, but the reasons for this were omitted by Mizz Rovera. She obviously didn't read my previous blog (25 January titled 'Gaza-The Dirty War') before going to the Press. More fool her!
I quote an IDF written communique that said:- "For example, buildings were either booby-trapped, located over tunnels, or fire was opened from within them in the direction of IDF soldiers............The terrorist organisations operated from within the civilian population, using them as a cover and made cynical use of the IDF's strict rules of engagement, opening fire from within civilian population centres, mosques, schools, hospitals and even private residences of citizens in the Gaza Strip".
You may beat me with a six-foot banana if this is not exactly what I said in my 25 January blog on Gaza! Mizz Rovera it would seem has conveniently forgotten this Arab Terrorist tactic!
It is not the first time Mizz Rovera has been found wanting during an interview on the subject of Palestine.
Late last year, Rovera was interviewed by Dan Izenberg which prompted the following response on December 18th from Sarah Mandel, an NGO Monitor, who wrote on the blog the following:- "Rovera, as an Amnesty International representative, is mistakenly assumed to be a regional expert. Yet, not only does she spend little time in the region and speak limited Hebrew, but her analysis in Izenberg’s interview is baffling - She omits to mention, let alone make the connection, between the reality of daily terror launched from Gaza while condemning Israeli government policy".
Sarah Mandel went further by saying:- "As detailed NGO Monitor research has shown, the one-woman operation run by Ms. Rovera has produced numerous false claims, including in Amnesty's obsessive reporting on the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah conflict. Dr. Michael Ehrlich, the former head of Amnesty’s Israel branch (1998-9), exposed the façade of this “research” based on so-called eyewitness evidence, and this led him to resign in protest. And NGO Monitor has shown quantitatively how Amnesty has consistently and unfairly singled out Israel for condemnation, to a far greater extent than oppressive regimes such as Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Libya, making a mockery of human rights claims".
Thank you Sarah, I hope you don't mind me quoting you. You and I are definitely on the same wavelength.
As for Amnesty International, they should disassociate themselves from this women before their reputation goes completely down the toilet.
In the beginning I admired the work of this organization, and felt some sympathy for the causes they were "fighting" for, now I am afraid their image has, over the years, been tainted by their biased reporting, and dare I say it, sensationalist reporting of "The Facts".
The fighting, loss of life, and suffering of the Palestinian People is known the world over, but they cannot expect any real help or sympathy from the rest of us until they show a commitment to finding peace with Israel. It is they, and they alone who voted in Hamas as their government, knowing full well they were a terrorist group. It stands to reason then that nothing will change until the people of Palestine remove these troublemakers as their government, and have someone who is willing to deal with Israel for a permanent solution.
It should be no surprise to anyone that the world press is also a party to this debacle, willing as it is to print any story, no matter how unfounded, and by people that have already been discredited, just for the sake of sensationalism! Gentlemen of the Press - You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Thank God for what you have, and be ready to share.

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