Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wise or Dogmatic?

What planet does the Pope live on? Certainly not this one! The dogmatic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church have for years been extremely controversial, but I think Pope Benedict's gaff during his African tour has perhaps opened up new levels.
The Catholic Church has never given an inch on the question of birth control in whatever form, but is it now time for that to change? I think so. It is well documented that the greater majority of Catholics use birth control anyway, so why the dogmatism? Surely it must come down to your interpretation of the Scriptures, but there are others more qualified than I to comment on that.
The world is already overpopulated, and a new scientific report out today by the UK Chief Scientific Advisor, Professor John Beddington, states that by 2030 this planet will be in for a 'Perfect Storm'; for this read 'Melt-down'. Why? The growing world population will cause mass-migration as people hunt for food and water.

The following link will allow you to see the full interview on BBC News.

Now, given this fact, I ask one question: Is it responsible of the Catholic Church to go on preaching against contraception? I think not. Professor Beddington (who may be the new Enoch Powell) has stated publicly that with the world population topping 8.3 billion by 2030, pretty soon it will be 'standing room only' (wars will be fought because someone is standing on your foot!). He estimates there will be a 50% increase in the demand for food and energy, and a 30% increase in demand for water.
As to the statement by Pope Benedict that "contraception does not help combating the AIDS epidemic but makes it worse", I wonder who his scientific advisor is?
He could not have chosen a worse place to make this statement, with Africa having the largest number of AIDS patients on the planet, 22%. To tell these people that condoms do not help in the spread of this disease is grossly irresponsible.
Aid Agencies and governments have been trying for decades to get the African people to use condoms in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease, and when they are starting to see some progress, along comes the Pope to denounce it all. Bah! Balderdash!
Various arms of the global religions have become more and more involved in politics during the last two decades, and I for one wish they would stop. It does not help the world's problems when Pius clergy open their mouths about things of which they have very little understanding.
If the human race is to survive into the next century, drastic measures will have to be taken to halt, and turn back the explosive increase in world population.
A prime example of what it could be like is the Tube Train in London or Tokyo's rush hour. Thousands of people trying to squeeze onto one train until they are so tightly packed they cannot breath properly. (Excuse me! could you give me an extra millimetre so I can have a heart-attack?)
Is this the future of the world? Not really, because before then we will have run out of food and water, and wars will be fought over these commodities.
So what do we do? I can see the kind of birth restrictions currently in place in China being applied world wide, as we fight to maintain a level of population that is sustainable by our planet's resources.
What of the Catholic Church doctrine then? Will it have bowed to the inevitable? I think not because it is so archaic it will take a brave Pope to go against it, and would also admit that this stance has been flawed all along. It will be up to the catholic people themselves to make the judgement, continue the religious beliefs or die as a race.
It may not come to that anyway, because sad to say, at least in the West, religion is slowly dying. With each new generation you find less people who believe in God, and church attendances are falling year by year. This in itself is very sad, because in my generation, while you were not a Saint, religion did put the brakes on some aspects of your behaviour.
Ah! The good old days - I remember them well!!!! Back then you at least had room to fall down when you had a heart-attack!
Keep smiling - it could get better!

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