Monday, March 9, 2009

Will The Last Englishman Leaving the Country.....

In human history great nations rise and fall, it is the way of things. In the past, empires have risen through conquest and then been defeated by it.
History shows us that once great countries like Italy under the Romans, France with Napoleon, Spain under Phillipe 2, The British in the time of Queens Elizabeth and Victoria, and in more recent times the Germans under Hitler, all aspired to rule great areas of the globe, some with great success. The Arabs tried, the Turks, and even as far afield as the Far East, Japan, China and Mongolia have all tried with varying degrees of success. All have fallen.
It would seem every race on Earth has a dream to rule the world. Direct confrontation has been the accepted form of conquest in the past, but that is no longer a viable proposition, therefore, today we are confronted with sneak attacks from within. It is a sure way of taking over a country without war, bloodshed and violence, and it is in action right this minute in my country; England. It is true that a great deal of cooperation is required from the target country, and some European countries like Britain and The Netherlands among others, are giving it.
After the Second World War, Britain was on her knees, even in triumph, and the years that followed saw the 'End of Empire'. Countries right left and centre were demanding independence from Britain, and 'She' had no choice but to comply.
At the time, Britain had colonies from the Far East to Africa and from the Middle East to the Caribbean. From all this came the Commonwealth, which still survives today.
After the war, Britain, like many other countries, was short of manpower to rebuild. This started the immigration programme from previous empire states, and still continues today.
To take just one example, in 1961 the British Government passed the Commonwealth Immigration Act which gave all people belonging to ex-colonies the right of immigration into the UK. The floodgates were opened, and as can be seen on the streets of any English town today, they came in their droves.
It was not until 1968 came around with England beginning to be inundated with immigrants, that a very brave visionary, Conservative Cabinet Minister Enoch Powell, stood up in Parliament and gave his 'Rivers of Blood' speech that went down in parliamentary history.
He was the only politician in the country to see that Britain was accepting too many immigrants, and this would bring trouble on a huge scale. Enoch was called racist, ridiculed and shouted down by his peers, and removed from his post, but today, people look back and swear he was 100% right.
More than any other country, Britain has accepted refugees, asylum-seekers and other immigrants (mostly economic) to it's shores in the last 60 years, and believe it or not, they still haven't closed the gates. It's incredible!
Since 1960 Indians, Pakistani, Jamaicans, Africans from various countries and Muslims from the Middle East have flocked to Britain's shores in search of a better life. No-one can blame them for wanting to have a standard of living only dreamed about in their own country, and I certainly don't, but emigrating to a new country has its responsibilities. Sadly, this sentiment is not held by all who have come to Britain.
It is sad to relate that there are tens of thousands of Indians and Pakistani for example, who came to England in the 60's, and still don't speak a word of English. It is also a fact that these numbers are growing year by year.
It has always been my belief, that if you emigrate to another country, you owe it to the laws of decency and respect for your hosts to at least make an effort to learn the language of that country.
It is true that the British government did not help the process by allowing immigrants from the same cultural backgrounds to live together in areas of the same town instead of spreading them out among the general population.The immigrants have taken over so many areas of English towns that in many you are hard put to find an English face.
You have only to walk down a street in Bradford England to see that the whole town has been taken over by Pakistani Indians and Bangladeshi. They even wanted to legally change the name of the town a couple of years ago to reflect their heritage.
Could you imagine going to a foreign country (Iran -ha ha!)and asking them to change the name of a town because a few of you live there? You would probably end up on the chopping block!
Most irritating is the number of mosques being built with English tax-payers money so 'they' have somewhere to pray, and listen to the cleric preaching hatred for the system of government and style of living they moved so far to be a part of. Try asking the Iranian government for money to build a church because you are Christian (Ouch! Chopping block time again)!
In my opinion, when someone moves to another country they should do their best to integrate into that countries society, and above all, accept the customs and traditions of that land. This is not to say you are required to forget your own customs and religions however, just adapt them to your new life and surroundings.
Unfortunately, Britain forgot this when the immigrants started coming in, and did just the opposite, they started changing the English traditions and way of life to accommodate these people. That was the second big mistake.
Ridiculous as it may seem, even a children's nursery rhyme was banned because it mentioned the word 'Black' (Ba Ba black sheep have you any wool....) and was considered racist.
It is my belief that all this nonsense was started by insignificant, marginalised people who suddenly saw an opportunity to be the centre of attention, and get their names in the papers and on the TV news.
After the first beginnings, more people saw 'The light' and jumped on the bandwagon, and now the country is overrun with 'Bleeding Heart Brigades' who will protest about anything that doesn't suit their tiny warped minds. It is significant that in the beginning, the majority of these people were English, but now more and more groups are appearing, staffed by immigrants who are playing the system.
What is truly tragic, is the English people themselves either don't realise how their culture is being manipulated and undermined, or just don't care. It's incredible, and ultimately very sad!
In more recent times the disease has spread even further. Since many Eastern European countries have joined the EU there has been a huge influx of, for example, Polish. Most countries have strict immigration laws, but sadly Britain does not appear to have any at all. It would seem that anyone can gain entry to the UK, be given an apartment or house, plus weekly benefit handouts from the Local Council. It is wrong, desperately wrong, and the once proud British are nearing extinction, along with their traditions, history and culture.
It is known well enough that the immigrant population is currently breeding like rabbits, while the true English birthrate is falling.
It does not help the situation when pompous idiots like Dr. Rowen Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury said at the beginning of 2008 Britain should accept parts of Islamic Sharia Law. He really created a storm with that one! He has single-handed destroyed The Church of England with his radical ideas since he became Archbishop. However, it does give an insight into the thinking of many English. They still seem to believe that we need to change our way of life to accommodate the immigrants.
Personally, I think we should take a leaf from the Australian book: "If you don't like the way we do business, go back where you came from!" No subtlety about the 'Aussies', adapt or get out.
Unfortunately, for Britain it is too late, there are now so many immigrants in Local Councils, Parliament, and even The House of Lords, that the clock cannot be put back.
In the latest attack on the British way of life, some schools are now giving the classes in Hindi, Turkish or Arab because there are no 'English' kids left in the school. These kids are living, and will grow up in Britain, so why do they need to have their lessons in their parents mother tongue????? It is mind-boggling in the extreme.
I could imagine the reaction if I emigrated to Sudan and demanded that the school give my children all lessons in English!
The end result will no doubt be that all English people that can, will leave this 'Green and Pleasant Land' and live somewhere else. "Will the last Englishman to leave the country, please turn out the lights!" As a consequence of this, the immigrants will have won and the country will be handed over to them forever. The once mighty Britain will be nothing but a distant memory.
There may be readers of this blog who think I am racist, for that I am sorry, but I am not. I bear no ill-will towards any man or woman no matter what race or creed they belong to. The simple fact is, I love my country even though I don't live there anymore, and I find it sad to see a once proud nation slowly destroying itself and need to speak out. For this I make no apologies.
For those who wish to read the text of Enoch Powell's speech in full, please make use of the following link. I apologise for the site where I found it. I am not a member of the National Front nor do I necessarily agree with their policies.

England, My England, May Your Sun Never Set.

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