Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Law is Mad!

At one time it was oft said "An Englishman's home is his castle" but that was yesterday. If the events currently taking place in Nottingham, England are anything to go by, you can forget the 'castle' bit.
The UK Sunday Telegraph is reporting the story of a 17-year-old burgler, stabbed to death today following a struggle when, after breaking into someone's house in broad daylight, he was caught red-handed. A man of 22 from the house is being questioned by Police on suspicion of murder!
This follows a string of burgleries in the local area for which no-one has yet been caught. I guess the Police can close that file.
The 'victim's' mother apparantly went on a social website thanking supporters of her 'wonderful son'. It makes me wonder how parents can be so blind to the antics of their children. Amazing that even serial killers are someone's 'lovely, innocent child'.
This case will once again raise the debate on whether someone has the right to protect their home from criminals. According to the 'Law of the Land', if someone breaks into your home you are supposed to stand around waiting until they have finished and then call the Police.
You can just imagine the scene:
(sound of breaking glass) Mr. X gets out of his chair and goes to the kitchen to see a thief standing there. "Oh hello" says Mr. X "Are you burgling my house?"
"Yes" replies the thief, "Where are your valuables?". "Oh, they're upstairs in the dressing table drawer, third on the right" replies Mr. X.
Reaching for the kettle, Mr. X asks the thief "Would you like a cup tea while you are ransacking the house?" "Yea! OK" replies the thief, "Milk, with one sugar". Mr. X puts on the kettle and shouts to the thief as he climbs the upstairs, "It'll be ready in a couple of minutes".
Mr. X thinks about calling the Police while the burgler is upstairs, but realises he had better wait until the man finishes or he may get into trouble with the Law himself.
Upstairs, the man starts emptying drawers on the floor, pulls all the clothes out of the closet before turning to the dressing table. "Are you sure it's the third drawer on the right mate?" he yells down stairs. "Yes, quite sure" shouts Mr. X. You should find all my wife's jewellery in there". "Oh by the way, you'll find my wallet in the second drawer" he adds. "OK mate, thanks" replies the thief.
Taking the jewellery boxes and wallet the thief returns downstairs just as Mr. X finishes making the tea. "Ah! Nothing like a good cuppa when you're on the job" he says appreciatively. Taking the tea he sits down at the table and lights a cigarette "You got an ashtray mate" he asks. "Sorry" Mr. X replies, "my wife and I are non-smokers". "Oh" says the thief, suddenly concerned "would you rather I smoke outside then" Mr. X looked thoughtful and replies, "It would be nice if you don't mind. My wife will be home shortly and she has asthma."
With that the burgler steps outside the backdoor and smokes his cigarette. After he finishes both his tea and cigarette he re-enters the house, puts the cup in the sink and asks "are you sure you don't have anymore valuables in the house?" "No I think you have taken just about everything of value we have" replies Mr. X. "OK then, I'll be off. Oh! By the way, would you mind waiting a couple of minutes before you call the cops so I can get away?" says the thief with a broad grin, and then departs.
Mr. X checks his watch and after two minutes dutifully calls the Police.

That I think is the scenario preferred by British Law. This way the Police don't have to arrest anyone for defending their own home, and no nasty habitual criminals get killed. The insurance pays for the stolen items, and apart from everyone's insurance payments going up by 50%, no-one gets hurt.
It is inconceivable that the Crown Prosecution Service would even contemplate arresting someone for defending their own family and property, but they do.
Ask Tony Martin, a Norfolk farmer who in 1999 was charged with murder and sentenced to 'Life', but served 3 years after the charges were reduced to manslaughter on appeal. His crime, he fired a shotgun at youths who had broken into his farmhouse, a 16-year-old boy was killed. One of the boy's accomplices was wounded in the leg.
The 16-year-old and his two accomplices had 100 convictions between them for theft, and the boy was on bail for an offence committed just days before they decided to rob Mr. Martin who lived alone in an isolated farmhouse. An obvious question arises here, why were they free at all?
The really sad thing is, the wounded accomplice, who was jailed for 3 years, sued Mr. Martin for damages and loss of mobility, and almost got a £100,000 compensation payment from Mr. Martin for 'Unlawful Wounding'. He messed it up when he was photographed by a newspaper riding his bike.
He has a string of convictions, and after serving only half of his sentence, he was quickly back inside for stealing a Toyota Landcruiser. The third youngster, who received a sentence of 42 months, is continually in and out of jail.
The boy who died was also an habitual thief despite his age, and guess what! In 2001 his Father was jailed for 14 years for armed robbery. Like Father-like son and they put Tony Martin the victim in jail!!!!! So much for British Justice!
It is time for the Politicians and Law Lords to wake up to the fact EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEIR FAMILY AND PROPERTY!

Oh well - back to the scenario! Tea or Coffe Sir?

May what is yours, always be yours!

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