Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Thought The U.N. Was Unbiased!

Oh how naive I am! I have just read a report on the BBC from U.N. investigators under the leadership of Sri Lankan lawyer Radhika Coomaraswamy, and to be honest, I am amazed at the one-sided blame-laying she and her team have indulged in.
Before I go any further, let me state quite clearly, I am not on anybodies side and I do not support the actions of one group against another. Having made that clear I will continue.
According to Ms Coomarathingy, on the 15th of January Israeli soldiers used an 11 year-old boy as a human shield by forcing him to walk down streets ahead of them 'for several hours'. This is one of 'hundreds' of such cases reported by her and the U.N. team for the protection of children.
Her report also includes soldiers shooting Palestinian children, and women, bulldozing a house with a woman and child inside, and shelling a building they had ordered civilians to enter. These, she said were just 'a few of the incidents' that had been 'verified' by U.N. officials in the Gaza Strip.
I guess they must have been talking to Hamas fighters, and civilians with a Hamas gun up their backside to get stories like this. The Hamas propaganda machine is very efficient in such situations.
Worthy of note, is the total lack of commentary on war crimes by Hamas, like using human shields, or shooting from homes, except to say it is 'under investigation', which means nothing will ever come of it because it's an everyday occurrence, and anyway, they are such poor defenceless people.
Israeli Ambassador Aharon Leshno Yaar told the U.N's 47-nation Human Rights Council, it was "unable or perhaps unwilling to address attacks against its civilians by Palestinian militants". He further added, "The report claims to examine Israel's actions while it wilfully ignores and downplays the terrorist and other threats we face". He should have added their methods!
An Israeli Military Spokesman dismissed the claims as "inaccurate and politically motivated". It is obvious that excesses have occurred, and the Israeli Military have confessed this and are dealing with it, but that too is the nature of war. It happened in the Second World War with Allied troops also. In war, none of us are 'clean'.
All Muslim terror groups like Hamas know full well that in any conflict, the press love to report in full on civilian casualties, and have made good use of this fact.
Perhaps this will help clear it up for you, published with the kind permission of Osama Bin Laden:
Excerpt from a terrorist training manual: "Wow Achmed! Don't forget, if the cursed Israeli's shoot in your direction, grab the nearest child or woman! Also, don't forget to go into the nearest family home if they start shelling you. That way you will be safe, well maybe not, but we will have great propaganda stories to tell the world press and the U.N. OK?" If it wasn't so serious it would be funny!
Hamas have been using these tactics for years, and yet not one word of condemnation has been seen in the press or from the U.N., not even for the rocket attacks on southern Israel.
I do not condone it, and I do not agree with it, but the thing that sticks in my craw is all the blame is being put on the Israeli's, while groups like Hamas are all lily white.
In my view, if you cannot report these things totally impartially, you can better keep your mouth shut and stay at home. You certainly have no business in this business!

May your dreams be untroubled.


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